Launch of the ‘Worrying About Money?’ leaflet for Breckland
Foodbank have made us aware of the launch of the new ‘Worrying About Money?’ leaflets. The main purpose of the leaflets is to encourage agencies to refer people to advice organisations and those that can support with income maximisation. Food banks aren’t on the leaflets as the idea is they should be a last resort. The leaflet is for both agencies but can also be given directly to people facing financial hardship.
Although we don’t see this as a solution, the leaflet will be a useful tool to use regarding the importance of providing support and advice to people so they can move out of their crisis situation.
The idea of the launch event is to provide an opportunity for frontline workers and volunteers in Breckland to hear more about the leaflet and how to use it. Types of support available will be highlighted and awareness will be raised about the local services that can help someone facing financial crisis or money worries. The rationale of an advice first approach will also be raised (food banks being the last port of call).
I am sharing the link below with referral agencies who are in Breckland area and would encourage you to come along to the event. Its important people sign up via the link. Abby from IFAN will then send the meeting link round nearer the time to those who’ve registered for the event. A more detailed explanation of the event can be seen through the link if you click on it.