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Tend your garden and its guests! Maggie’s garden notes for March

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Maggie Baldwin from Thetford Garden and Allotment Club shares her latest gardening tips.

Leave some dog food and water out for hedgehogs this World Wildlife Day

Firstly, an apology – the Amaryllis photo that accompanied my last article was credited to me, but it belonged to my lovely friend Maureen. She has very green fingers!

Now that snowdrops have mostly finished flowering but are still in leaf (known as ‘in the green’), congested clumps can be lifted and divided to help them become more floriferous. Carefully ease the bulbs from the ground, tease them apart, and replant individual bulbs a few inches apart at the same depth as before.

Monday 3rd March is World Wildlife Day. We can do our bit to help local wildlife by providing food and water for hedgehogs as they come out of hibernation. Use either specialist hedgehog food, cat or dog food, both of which are suitable for their specialised digestion. Never give hedgehogs milk as they are lactose intolerant, or mealworms as they will become very ill quickly.

Hardy vegetables can be sown if the weather is mild—broad beans, peas, carrots and parsnips. Once weeds start to appear, it’s usually warm enough to sow most hardy crops. Onion sets can be planted with the tops just showing above the soil surface. If birds pulling them out is a problem, netting may help.

The Club will be holding a Spring Show at the Methodist Church in Tanner Street on Saturday 5th April 2025. Both members and non-members are welcome to exhibit. There are classes for spring bulbs, flowers, vegetables, culinary and crafts. It should be a fun event, and a few tips may help you enjoy the day. Always arrive in good time to arrange your exhibits. A last-minute rush can lead to mistakes, such as damage to an item or not showing the correct number, which may result in an exhibit being marked ‘NAS’ – Not as Scheduled by the judge. Try to bring a reserve item in case of last-minute damage. Taking a tool bag with essentials like scissors, a pen, raffia, and your schedule for reference is useful. Spare paper plates for display may also come in handy. Make sure your number is included on each entry card. If in doubt about anything, just ask—someone will always be ready to help.

Schedules are available from the Chairperson, Yvonne Rout, at [email protected].

Happy gardening and good luck!
Maggie Baldwin


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